22 Of The Best TED Talks For Digital Marketers & Bloggers
TED talks are a great way to develop yourself and relax at the same time. All you have to do is sit back, relax and watch a video that will teach you something awesome. I’ve watched nearly every TED talk over the years, so...

The Gateless Gate – Obstacles Exist Only in the Mind
The first personal development book I ever read was M. Scott Peck’s The Road Less Traveled, published in 1978. Remember the opening line? Life is difficult. Similarly, the first of the Four Noble Truths Buddha taught in the fifth century BC was “Life is suffering.” Today, this...

How Hotjar Gained 60+ New Trial Signups a Month with a Single Overlay
Hotjar’s content experiment with overlays is turning website visitors into new customers. Here’s how. If you Google “Content is king,” here’s what you’ll find: More than 37 million Google results that justify how important content is online. It’s a tired phrase, but it’s true....

How to Start a Video Blog
Hi this is Liza here at the YIAH Your Inspiration At Home Leadership Event 2016. Now, can I just get everyone to wave? Over here on that side. Yup. Great. Okay. So we have just finished the presentation talking about video marketing. Why do...

5 Critical Ways to Become Indispensable in Business
Competition is fiercer today than ever before, and no matter how much you focus on data, analytics, and performance, it may surprise you that what ultimately matters most to people is the human touch. Companies don’t make decisions—people do, and people make the most...

WIN Worldwide Adds Director of Field Development
WIN Worldwide is bringing in a director of field development to support the nutrition company’s Brand Partners. Direct sales veteran Ricky Frank has been tapped to fill the role, which will focus on Brand Partner communications, training and events, both in existing markets and...

SMS Marketing 101: How to Run a Successful Text Messaging Campaign
Think text message marketing isn’t right for your demographic? Think again! Over 80% of American adults text, which makes it the most common cell phone activity. Unlike social media networks with a range of age in demographics, adults and teenagers are both using text...

Cell Phone Activities
Fully 91% of American adults own a cell phone and many use the devices for much more than phone calls. In our most recent nationally representative survey, we checked in on some of the most popular activities people perform on their cell phones: Texting,...

Outdated Technology is Direct Selling’s Biggest Challenge…and Opportunity
When you ask a direct selling company what their biggest challenges are, you’ll get a variety of answers, but many are related to technology. “Our software doesn’t support the promotion we want to run.” “Our shopping experience is hard for customers to navigate.” “We can’t...

On a global basis, mobile internet usage surpassed the desktop in October
According to new data from StatCounter, mobile devices have, for the first time, overtaken the desktop as access points for the internet on a global basis. The company said that in October, smartphones and tablets were responsible for 51.3 percent of internet usage...