6 Leadership Styles for Growing a Thriving Organization
At the risk of placing substance over style, all leaders must understand this simple truth: style does matter. It’s not about matching your belt to your shoes, or accessorizing appropriately for the occasion, but rather understanding the way you go about leading. Allen rose through the...

Best Practices for Successful SMS Campaigns
In part 1 and part 2 of this three-part series, I shared best practices for attracting and retaining SMS subscribers and how to create text messages your customer will find important and engaging. In this part, I will finish up with best practices for tailoring...

Why Customer Empowerment Is the Key to Great Retention Rates
It’s unfortunate, but inevitably, not all of your customers will continue doing business with you forever. According to the most recent annual report from Recurly, the average quarterly customer churn rate among subscription services for physical goods is 10.6%, and digital service subscriptions don’t...

How to Create High-Converting Content
As a content marketer, your job is to use content to sell something – whether it’s a product, service, or message. Maybe you’re already driving sufficient conversions. But do you really want to settle for sufficient? There are many ways to improve your content...

3 Myths About Why Offline Businesses Shouldn’t Be Online
Imagine how many brands and businesses there are in the world today. Now think about your local neighborhood and how many of them are or aren’t online. It’s actually quite amazing when you think about it… some businesses and brands still haven’t made the...

Top 10 Social Media Blogs: The 2017 Winners!
Looking for some great social media blogs to add to your daily reading? Here are 10 that are worth your time! Our eighth-annual social media blog contest generated hundreds of nominations. A panel of experts carefully reviewed the 20 finalists based on their content...

22 Of The Best TED Talks For Digital Marketers & Bloggers
TED talks are a great way to develop yourself and relax at the same time. All you have to do is sit back, relax and watch a video that will teach you something awesome. I’ve watched nearly every TED talk over the years, so...

The Gateless Gate – Obstacles Exist Only in the Mind
The first personal development book I ever read was M. Scott Peck’s The Road Less Traveled, published in 1978. Remember the opening line? Life is difficult. Similarly, the first of the Four Noble Truths Buddha taught in the fifth century BC was “Life is suffering.” Today, this...

How Hotjar Gained 60+ New Trial Signups a Month with a Single Overlay
Hotjar’s content experiment with overlays is turning website visitors into new customers. Here’s how. If you Google “Content is king,” here’s what you’ll find: More than 37 million Google results that justify how important content is online. It’s a tired phrase, but it’s true....

How to Start a Video Blog
Hi this is Liza here at the YIAH Your Inspiration At Home Leadership Event 2016. Now, can I just get everyone to wave? Over here on that side. Yup. Great. Okay. So we have just finished the presentation talking about video marketing. Why do...
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