22 Of The Best TED Talks For Digital Marketers & Bloggers
TED talks are a great way to develop yourself and relax at the same time. All you have to do is sit back, relax and watch a video that will teach you something awesome. I’ve watched nearly every TED talk over the years, so...

The Gateless Gate – Obstacles Exist Only in the Mind
The first personal development book I ever read was M. Scott Peck’s The Road Less Traveled, published in 1978. Remember the opening line? Life is difficult. Similarly, the first of the Four Noble Truths Buddha taught in the fifth century BC was “Life is suffering.” Today, this...

How Hotjar Gained 60+ New Trial Signups a Month with a Single Overlay
Hotjar’s content experiment with overlays is turning website visitors into new customers. Here’s how. If you Google “Content is king,” here’s what you’ll find: More than 37 million Google results that justify how important content is online. It’s a tired phrase, but it’s true....